Thursday May 15, 2025 14:50 - 15:30 EEST
Private browsing modes, such as Chrome's incognito mode and Firefox's private mode and containers, serve the common purpose of ensuring privacy during browsing. Although the underlying implementations differ, they share key features such as not storing browsing history and cookies, hence enhancing user privacy. While this feature is useful for regular users, it's a powerhouse for automation engineers and testers. WebDriver BiDi offers a browser-agnostic method to utilize private browsing through User Contexts, cultivating a 'browserpooling' approach. This approach allows multiple tests to share a single browser instance and WebDriver session, facilitating parallel test execution. Like carpooling, where multiple passengers share a single ride to different destinations, WebDriver BiDi's user contexts enable parallel tests to utilize a single browser instance without sharing data. This provides performance gains by eliminating the time-consuming process of spinning up and shutting down multiple browser instances. Join this session to explore how user contexts operate, how to manage isolated tests and cookies across multiple tabs and gain insights with a live code demo on leveraging this technique in Selenium.

Key Takeaways:
  • Learn how to optimize testing environments by using a single browser instance.
  • Practical knowledge of using WebDriver BiDi's user context with code examples.
  • Understand real-world use cases where this method can lead to performance gains and reduce the total runtime of automation tests.
avatar for David Burns

David Burns

Head of Developer Advocacy and Open Source, BrowserStack
Chair for the W3C Browser Testing and Tools Working Group. Editor of the W3C WebDriver specification. Head of Developer Advocacy and Open Source Program Office working with engineers, technical project managers, product managers to support and promote our open source projects.Have... Read More →
Thursday May 15, 2025 14:50 - 15:30 EEST
Väike Saal

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