Friday May 16, 2025 10:30 - 15:30 EEST
If you're working with the code, it doesn't matter if you write/test/release/review it, you need to now how securely navigate through the changes and versions. Version Control Systems are helping us to distribute our code. There is one system that leads the way for years:

Git: A tool we all use but rarely master. Why does it feel so complicated, and why is it so easy to create a tangled mess? Yet, Git remains the go-to choice for millions of engineers and organizations worldwide.

In this session, we’ll dive into Git mechanics and explore ways to make it more approachable. By shedding fresh light on common challenges, we’ll uncover solutions that make these issues a bit easier to tackle.

Ever wonder how rebase works, why merge conflicts happen, or what the heck `git bisect` is? Join me to unravel the mysteries of git and gain a deeper understanding how to use this powerful tool and not get hurt.

Key Takeaways:
  • Discover how Git uses graphs and how this new context helps you understand basic commands
  • Learn how to manage branches, resolve merge conflicts, and keep you changes clean
  • Explore strategies to safely undo and redo the changes and how to avoid loosing your work
  • Discover investigation techniques for those critical moments when “someone did something and it doesn’t work” but they need it now ;)
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Pawel Sucholbiak

Lead Software Test Automation Engineer, EPAM Systems
I'm a seasoned Software Engineer in Test with a passion for exploring the realms of software development. Currently, I'm holding the position of Lead Software Test Automation Engineer at EPAM Switzerland.With over a decade of diverse experience under my belt, I've journeyed from the... Read More →
Friday May 16, 2025 10:30 - 15:30 EEST

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