Friday May 16, 2025 11:10 - 11:50 EEST
When I started my current assignment as a Test Manager, the clients organisation was trying to visualize how good the teams were working with test and quality by counting bugs the teams filed during development. Since then, we have thankfully come a long way.

Inspired by the Quality Criteria in the Heuristic Test Strategy Model we decided to collect and visualize test data in accordance of the Quality Criteria (QC) in ISO 25000. In this presentation I will share how we have setup all reporting, from bugs to test case results to exploratory test sessions, so that it connects to the QC's. This way, we can have an automatically updated board, created in Power BI, to visualize the current status as well as trends.

The idea is to help the organisation to understand not only what have been tested (and the results) but also what have not been tested. The aim is not to provide an objective truth but expose information so that the right questions can be asked to the development organisation. For example: Why have there not been any testing performed on usability? Do we need usability tests or is this out of scope?

Key Takeaways:
  • Theory behind using Quality Characteristics and the value of tracking the affected QC for test cases, test sessions and issues, and the overview that helps the organisation to understand the current status. 
  • A little bit how practical add of new fields in test management tools such as Azure DevOps Test. 
  • How information can be read and visualized in business intelligence tools such as PowerBI
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Martin Nilsson

Test Manager - Consultant, House of Test
Martin has been in the test profession for over a decade with a broad experience from embedded software to cloud, from test automation to exploratory testing, from consulting large organisations to educating testers. He started out his career in Ericsson Mobile Platforms and have... Read More →
Friday May 16, 2025 11:10 - 11:50 EEST

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