Thursday May 15, 2025 14:10 - 14:50 EEST
What if the secrets to constructing a lasting, resilient home could be applied to building robust software systems? Just as a house stands firm on the knowledge passed down through generations, our approach to software testing can benefit from timeless principles. In my journey as a woman navigating both construction sites and the IT world, I’ve discovered remarkable parallels between these seemingly disparate fields.

Join me for an enlightening session that will take you through the captivating realm of design patterns from the perspective of a QA Architect. I’ll dive deep into practical patterns like Singleton, Builder, and Decorator, sharing insights on their strengths and pitfalls based on my real-world experiences. Forget the usual discussions on KISS or DRY; instead, we’ll explore how fundamental programming principles can transform the way we create maintainable tests.

Drawing from my experience in technical recruitment and test design, I aim to equip you with actionable knowledge to seamlessly integrate these patterns into your projects. Let’s uncover how laying a solid foundation can lead to exceptional outcomes, not only in constructing homes but also in crafting outstanding software solutions.

Key Takeaways:
  • Application of Design Patterns: can significantly improve the quality and maintainability of tests in IT projects.
  • Fundamentals of Programming: Grasping fundamental programming principles and their impact on creating effective tests is crucial for success in QA.
  • Integration of Experiences: Utilizing practical experiences from technical recruitment and test design to effectively implement design patterns in the daily practices of teams.
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Emilia Lendzion-Barszcz

Senior Software Engineer in Test, Snowflake
QA Architect, trainer, and proud parent. I am passionate about backend development, where untapped opportunities for growth await. As an expert in quality, I focus on Developer Experience, DevOps, and the Shift-left approach, which are particularly close to my heart.In my role, I... Read More →
Thursday May 15, 2025 14:10 - 14:50 EEST
Väike Saal

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