Wednesday May 14, 2025 09:00 - 17:00 EEST
Improvisational comedy—sometimes called improv—is a form of theather in which the performance is created in the moment. Successful improv involves learning and using a variety of skills and techniques which allow performers to quickly adapt to a constantly changing environment and new information. Now reread the previous sentence, but replace the word improv with testing.
In many ways, improv is a great analogy for testing. As both an experienced improviser and tester, Damian Synadinos presents some of the many similarities between improv and testing. Each improv tip and trick is thoroughly described and demonstrated with help from the audience. Damian then explains and shows how the very same idea can be applied in a testing context. Using creative metaphors and critical analysis, old ideas about testing are reframed in novel and notable ways.
Whether novice or experienced, you are sure to laugh, learn, and leave with ways to help improv(e) your testing!

Key takeaways:
  • Discover the purpose of testing
  • Important testing fundamentals and techniques
  • Have some Fun!
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Damian Synadinos

CEO, ineffable solutions
For over 30 years, Damian Synadinos helped “build better software and build software better” through testing. Now, through his company Ineffable Solutions (Ineffable-Solutions.com), he helps “build better people”. As a full-time, international public speaker, he delivers entertaining... Read More →
Wednesday May 14, 2025 09:00 - 17:00 EEST

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