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Wednesday, May 14

09:00 EEST

Advanced Appium
Wednesday May 14, 2025 09:00 - 17:00 EEST
In this Tutorial, you'll learn about advanced concepts in Appium. We will learn how to write a single script for Android, iOS, and mobile web apps. Once our tests are established, we will work on the framework design and report. We will also have a detailed look at how can we automate various mobile gestures using Actions API and mobile endpoints in Appium. The workshop will be based on the latest Appium's JavaClient. We will build plugin and driver using Appium

Outline/Structure of the Tutorial
- Appium Architecture
- Locating elements using Inspector
- Platform-wise Desired Capabilities
- Start Appium Server programmatically
- Understanding Appium server logs
- Appium driver and plugin commands
- Managing dependencies in Appium

- A deeper understanding of Gestures
- Run through various gestures like Swipe, LongPress, Double-tap, Drag, and Drop using a w3c spec
- Explore mobile: endpoints for the same gestures on both Android and iOS
- Create our own complex gestures using the above endpoints

Practical Tips
- Different ways to locater strategy for iOS and Android
- Automation Hybrid application - Tips & Tricks
- Video recording API
- Simulate SMS only for Android
- Run ADB shell commands via Appium
- Seeding Photos on iOS-Simulator and Android

Appium Plugins
- What is a Plugin?
- How to build one using a plugin template?

Parallelize Tests
- Understanding Appium Server Session
- Desired Capabilities changes required to run tests in parallel
- Using Appium Plugins to run parallel tests on Android and iOS devices/simulators.

Key Takeaways:
  • Attendees will learn how to automate Android native apps with Appium.
  • Running tests single-threaded, in parallel, and distributed.
  • Also capturing critical report data (logs, screenshots, and video) and running mobile tests on a cloud test service.

avatar for Srinivasan Sekar

Srinivasan Sekar

Director of Engineering, LambdaTest
Srinivasan Sekar is a Director of Engineering at LambdaTest. He loves contributing to Open Source. He is an Appium Member and Contributor to various open-source repositories like Selenium, Webdriver.io, taiko, etc. He worked extensively on testing various Microservices, EvenDriven... Read More →
avatar for Sai Krishna

Sai Krishna

Director of Engineering, LambdaTest
I am a Director of Engineering at LambdaTest. As an active contributor to Appium and a member of the Appium organization, I am deeply involved in the open-source community. I am passionate about innovative thinking and love to contribute to open-source technologies. Additionally... Read More →
Wednesday May 14, 2025 09:00 - 17:00 EEST
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